Guide to the Records of the Testing Center
Record Group 003
Date Span: 1931-1992
Extent: 4.5 cubic feet
Historical Sketch: The Testing Center has been a department supporting the education faculty since TSUD was created. It was established to order and supervise the inventory of psychological and educational assessment instruments used by the faculty and students various courses. Undergraduate special education, psychological test and measures, and educational measurement classes use resources from the test center. Undergraduate students learn to administer certain tests and are familiarized with the purpose and interpretation of others. Graduate students in Psychometry, Education, Psychology, and Counseling learn how to administer and interpret various tests. Test center staff order and disseminate testing materials to faculty and students as well as maintaining the inventory. Outside agencies and former students use the test center as a resource for up to date information about psychological and educational tests.
Mr. Alex Perez served as the Testing Coordinator in the Office of Student Services and its predecessors, where she administered student placement tests as well oversaw the functions listed above. Upon Perez's retirement in 1992, Ms. Shelia Bennett became Testing Coordinator and an Instructor in the College of Education. The testing center became an academic unit within the College of Education in ca. 1997. In 1998, computerized scoring was established and the College of Education built a computer lab to better facilitate the Testing Center.
Scope / Content Note: Collection is a subgroup of the College of Education, —Dothan Campus, Records. It demonstrates the evolution of standardized tests and testing measures. 1931 - 1991. Includes various testing material such as: samples of standardized tests, answer keys, direction manuals, test result logs, test questions and instructions, and test sample kits [“Spec Teaching Kits”].
Organization / Arrangement: Original Order for this material was deliberately random to enhance security and confidentiality of the tests. Since these tests are considered to be no longer in use, the Archives staff imposed an alphabetical order by test title to facilitate easier access.
Provenance: The Testing Center acquired these materials directly from purveyors and test-creating agencies.
Access: Open. Copyright laws continue to govern copying and use.
Cite As: Records of the Testing Center, College of Education Records, --Dothan Campus, Record Group 003, Accession 003-05-0330. Wiregrass Archives, Dothan, AL.
Date processed: April 2005
Processed By: K. Chambliss
File I.D. File Label / Publisher / Year
003-05-0330-001-001 Achievement Series - Grades 1-2 and 2-4 / SRA / 1965
003-05-0330-001-002 The Adjective Check List / Counseling Psychologist Press / 1965
003-05-0330-001-003 Adult Basic Learning Exam - Level I / Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. / 1967
003-05-0330-001-004 Adult Basic Learning Exam - Level II / Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. / 1967
003-05-0330-001-005 Adult Basic Learning Exam - Level III / Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. / 1971
003-05-0330-001-006 Aptitude Tests for Occupations - Advanced Manual - Grades 9 to 13, Adult / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1931
003-05-0330-001-007 Aptitude Tests for Occupations - Form A (1) Personal Social Aptitude / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1951
003-05-0330-001-008 Aptitude Tests for Occupations - Form A (2) Mechanical Aptitude / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1951
003-05-0330-001-009 Aptitude Tests for Occupations - Form A (3) General Sales Aptitude / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1951
003-05-0330-001-010 Aptitude Tests for Occupations - Form A (4) Clerical Routine Aptitude / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1951
003-05-0330-001-011 Aptitude Tests for Occupations - Form A (5) Computational Aptitude / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1951
003-05-0330-001-012 Aptitude Tests for Occupations - Form A (6) Scientific Aptitude / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1951
003-05-0330-001-013 Behavior Improvement Program / SRA / 1974
003-05-0330-001-014 Bell Adjustment Inventory Revised 1962 / Consulting Psychologists Press / 1962
003-05-0330-001-015 Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test / Western Psychological Services / 1973
003-05-0330-001-016 Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test / The Psychological Corp. / 1969
003-05-0330-001-017 Boehm Test of Basic Concepts [Intelligence] / The Psychological Corp. / 1969
003-05-0330-001-018 Burks' Behavior Rating Scales / Western Psychological Services / 1977
003-05-0330-001-019 California Achievement Tests (CAT) 1970 Edition / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1970
003-05-0330-001-020 California Career Study Guide / Western Psychological Services / 1964
003-05-0330-001-021 California Phonics Survey 3rd Printing / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1963
003-05-0330-001-022 California Psychological Inventory (CPI) / Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. / 1954
003-05-0330-001-023 California Test of Personality 1953 Revision - Manual-All Levels / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1953
003-05-0330-001-024 California Test of Personality 1953 Revision - Primary-Grades K-3 / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1953
003-05-0330-001-025 California Test of Personality 1953 Revision - Elementary - Grades 4-8 / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1953
003-05-0330-001-026 California Test of Personality 1953 Revision - Intermediate - Grades 7 to 10 / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1953
003-05-0330-001-027 California Test of Personality 1953 Revision - Secondary - Grades 9 to College / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1953
003-05-0330-001-028 California Test of Personality 1953 Revision - Adult / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1953
003-05-0330-001-029 Career Ability Placement Survey (CAPS) / EdITS / 1987
003-05-0330-001-030 Career Education Activities - English, Foreign Languages, Math, Science & Social Studies / SRA / 1965
003-05-0330-001-031 Career Maturity Inventory (CMI) - Manual / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1965
003-05-0330-001-032 The Cassel Developmental Record / Psychologists and Educators, Inc. / 1971
003-05-0330-001-033 Children's Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) / Institute for Personality and Ability Testing, Inc. / 1992
003-05-0330-001-034 Children's Problem Checklist / Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. / 1985
003-05-0330-001-035 Circle Preschool Classroom Screening, Second Edition / Alpha Plus Corp. / 1978
003-05-0330-001-036 Classroom Environment Scale / Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. / 1974
003-05-0330-001-037 Clinical Analysis Questionnaire (CAQ) / Institute for Personality and Ability Testing, Inc. / 1971
003-05-0330-001-038 Cognitive Abilities / Houghton Mifflin Co. / 1968
003-05-0330-001-039 College Qualification Tests, Revised 1961 / The Psychological Corp. / 1961
003-05-0330-001-040 Cooperative Primary Tests [Achievement] [1 of 2] / Education Testing Service, Inc. / 1967
003-05-0330-001-041 Cooperative Primary Tests [Achievement] [2 of 2] / Education Testing Service, Inc. / 1967
003-05-0330-001-042 Coping Inventory / Scholastic Testing Service, Inc. / 1985
003-05-0330-001-043 Crary American History Test, Revised Edition / Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. / 1965
003-05-0330-001-044 Culture Fair Intelligence Test [Scales 1, 2 & 3] / Western Psychological Services / 1950
003-05-0330-001-045 Culture Fair Intelligence Test [Demonstration Set] / Western Psychological Services / 1950
003-05-0330-001-046 The Dailey Vocational Tests / Houghton Mifflin Co. / 1965
003-05-0330-001-047 Davis Reading Test, Series 2: For Grades 8 - 11 / The Psychological Corp. / 1961
003-05-0330-001-048 The Demos D (Dropout) Scale / Western Psychological Services / 1970
003-05-0330-001-049 Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude / The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc. / 1935
003-05-0330-001-050 Diagnostic Spelling Test / Teacher's Guide for Remedial Reading / 1959
003-05-0330-001-051 Differential Aptitude Tests / The Psychological Corp. / 1973
003-05-0330-001-052 Doren Diagnostic Reading Test / American Guidance Service, Inc. / 1956
003-05-0330-001-053 Durrell Analysis of Reading Abilities - Scoring Directions - All Levels / Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. / 1970
003-05-0330-001-054 Durrell Analysis of Reading Abilities - Advanced Level / Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. / 1970
003-05-0330-001-055 Durrell Analysis of Reading Abilities - Primary Level / Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. / 1970
003-05-0330-001-056 Durrell Analysis of Reading Abilities - Intermediate Level / Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. / 1970
003-05-0330-001-057 Dvorine Pseudo-Isochromatic Plates / Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. / 1958
003-05-0330-001-058 Early School Personality Questionnaire (ESPQ) / Institute for Personality and Ability Testing, Inc. / 1976
003-05-0330-001-059 Edwards Personal Preference Schedule / The Psychological Corp. / 1953
003-05-0330-001-060 Employee Aptitude Survey (EAS) / western Psychological Services / 1957
003-05-0330-001-061 Employee Evaluation / The Psychological Corp. / 1943
003-05-0330-002-001 Firo Awareness Scales / Consulting Psychologists Press / 1978
003-05-0330-002-002 Flanagan Aptitude Classification Tests (FACT) - Preliminary Edition, 1960 [1 of 2] / SRA / 1960
003-05-0330-002-003 Flanagan Aptitude Classification Tests (FACT) - Preliminary Edition, 1960 [2 of 2] / SRA / 1960
003-05-0330-002-004 The Frostig Program for the Development of Visual Perception: Teacher's Guide, Scoring Manuals / Consulting Psychologists Press / 1964
003-05-0330-002-005 The Frostig Program for the Development of Visual Perception: Test Booklets - Third Edition / Consulting Psychologists Press / 1964
003-05-0330-002-006 The Frostig Program for the Development Visual Perception: Frostig #1 / Consulting Psychologists Press / 1964
003-05-0330-002-007 The Frostig Program for the Development Visual Perception: Frostig #2 / Consulting Psychologists Press / 1964
003-05-0330-002-008 The Frostig Program for the Development Visual Perception: Classroom Teaching Kit / Consulting Psychologists Press / 1964
003-05-0330-002-009 Full Range Picture Vocabulary Test [intelligence] / Psychological Test Specialist / 1948
003-05-0330-002-010 Fundamentals Evaluation Test - Form B Grades 9-12 / Steck-Vaughn Company / 1955
003-05-0330-002-011 Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests / Teachers College Press / 1965
003-05-0330-002-012 Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test / Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. / 1963
003-05-0330-002-013 Gordon Occupational Check List-Revised Edition / Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. / 1967
003-05-0330-002-014 Gordon Occupational Check List - 1981 Edition / The Psychological Corp. / 1981
003-05-0330-002-015 Group Dimensions / Bureau of Business Research: The Ohio State University / 1956
003-05-0330-002-016 Hall Occupational Orientation Inventory - Second Edition / Follett Educational Corp. / 1971
003-05-0330-002-017 High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) For Ages 12 through 18 / Institute for Personality and Ability Testing / 1984
003-05-0330-002-018 Home Observation for Measurement - Revised Edition / University of Arkansas / 1984
003-05-0330-002-019 How Well Do You Know Yourself? / Psychologists & Educators, Inc. / 1974
003-05-0330-002-020 How Well Do You Know Yourself? - College Edition / Psychologists & Educators, Inc. / 1974
003-05-0330-002-021 How Well Do You Know Yourself? - Personnel Edition / Psychologists & Educators, Inc. / 1976
003-05-0330-002-022 How Well Do You Know Yourself? - Secondary School Edition / Psychologists & Educators, Inc. / 1976
003-05-0330-002-023 How Well Do You Know Yourself? Answer Keys / Psychological Test Specialist / 1961
003-05-0330-002-024 How Well Do You Know Your Interests? / Psychologists & Educators, Inc. / 1974
003-05-0330-002-025 How Well Do You Know Your Interests? - College Edition / Psychologists & Educators, Inc. / n/d
003-05-0330-002-026 How Well Do You Know Your Interests? - Secondary School Edition / Psychological Test Specialist / 1957
003-05-0330-002-027 How Well Do You Know Your Interests? - Personnel Edition / Psychologists & Educators, Inc. / 1974
003-05-0330-002-028 Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities - Revised Edition / The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois / 1969
003-05-0330-002-029 Independent Activities Questionnaire / Education Testing Services / 1965
003-05-0330-002-030 Interpersonal Behavior Survey (IBS) / Western Psychological Services / 1980
003-05-0330-002-031 Introduction to My Child / SRA / 1966
003-05-0330-002-032 Iowa Silent Reading Tests / Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. / 1973
003-05-0330-002-033 Iowa Tests of Basic Skills [1of 2] / Houghton Mifflin Company / 1964
003-05-0330-002-034 Iowa Tests of Basic Skills [2 of 2] Sample Kit / Houghton Mifflin Company / 1964
003-05-0330-002-035 Iowa Tests of Educational Development - Grades 9-12 September 1962 Edition / SRA / 1962
003-05-0330-002-036 The Jackson Vocational Interest Survey (JVIS) / Research Psychologists Press, Inc. / 1978
003-05-0330-002-037 The Jessness Inventory / Consulting Psychologists Press / 1966
003-05-0330-003-001 Job Analysis and Interest Measurement (JAIM) / Educational Testing Service / 1964
003-05-0330-003-002 KD Proneness Scale / Western Psychological Services / 1978
003-05-0330-003-003 Kuder Occupational Interest Survey - Revised / SRA / 1971
003-05-0330-003-004 Kuder Preference Record - Sixth Edition - Personal / SRA / 1963
003-05-0330-003-005 Kuder Preference Record - Vocational / SRA / 1960
003-05-0330-003-006 Kuhlmann-Anderson Test - Seventh Edition Manuals / Personnel Press, Inc. / 1961
003-05-0330-003-007 Kuhlmann-Anderson Test - Seventh Edition Answer Forms and Scoring Keys / Personnel Press, Inc. / 1961
003-05-0330-003-008 Learning Style Inventory / David. A. Kolb / 1976
003-05-0330-003-009 Lee-Clark Reading Readiness Test, 1962 Revision / California Test Bureau / 1962
003-05-0330-003-010 The Lorge-Thorndike Intelligence Tests - January 1955 [1of 3] / Houghton Mifflin Company / 1955
003-05-0330-003-011 The Lorge-Thorndike Intelligence Tests - January 1955 [2 of 3] / Houghton Mifflin Company / 1955
003-05-0330-003-012 The Lorge-Thorndike Intelligence Tests - January 1955 [3 of 3] / Houghton Mifflin Company / 1955
003-05-0330-003-013 The Manson Evaluation / Western Psychological Services / 1965
003-05-0330-003-014 Metropolitan Achievement Tests (MAT) Examiner's Kit Form A and Examiner's Kit Form C / Harcourt, Brace & World / 1960
003-05-0330-003-015 McCullough Word Analysis Tests / Personnel Press, Inc. / 1963
003-05-0330-003-016 Metropolitan Achievement Tests (MAT) Test Booklets / Harcourt, Brace & World / 1960
003-05-0330-003-017 Metropolitan Achievement Tests (MAT) - Intermediate / Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. / 1971
003-05-0330-003-018 Metropolitan Achievement Tests (MAT) - Advanced / Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. / 1970
003-05-0330-003-019 Metropolitan Readiness Tests, 1960's Edition / Harcourt, Brace & World / 1969
003-05-0330-003-020 Metropolitan Readiness Tests, 1970's Edition / Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. / 1974
003-05-0330-003-021 Minnesota Counseling Inventory / The Psychological Corp. / 1957
003-05-0330-003-022 Minnesota Teacher Attitude Inventory / The Psychological Corp. / n/d
003-05-0330-003-023 Minnesota Vocational Interest Inventory (MVII) - Manuals and Test Booklets / The Psychological Corp. / 1965
003-05-0330-003-024 Minnesota Vocational Interest Inventory (MVII) - Answer Sheets, Score Keys, Profile Sheets / The Psychological Corp. / 1965
003-05-0330-003-025 Modern Math Understanding - Machine Scoreable Edition / SRA / 1968
003-05-0330-003-026 Mooney Problem Check List 1950 Revisions / The Psychological Corp. / 1950
003-05-0330-003-027 Mooney Problem Check List 1950 Revisions - Junior High School Form / The Psychological Corp. / 1950
003-05-0330-003-028 Mooney Problem Check List 1950 Revisions - High School Form / The Psychological Corp. / 1950
003-05-0330-003-029 Mooney Problem Check List 1950 Revision - College Form / The Psychological Corp. / 1950
003-05-0330-003-030 Mooney Problem Check List 1950 Revision - Adult Form / The Psychological Corp. / 1950
003-05-0330-003-031 The Multi-Aptitude Test / The Psychological Corp. / 1955
003-05-0330-003-032 Multiple Aptitude Tests - 1959 Edition / California Test Bureau / 1959
003-05-0330-003-033 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator / Consulting Psychologists Press / 1962
003-05-0330-003-034 Neuroticism Scale Questionnaire / The Institute for Personality and Ability / 1961
003-05-0330-003-035 Non Verbal Form / SRA / 1973
003-05-0330-003-036 Northwestern Syntax Screening Test / Northwestern University Press / 1971
003-05-0330-003-037 Ohio Vocational Interest Survey (OVIS) Machine Scoreable Edition / Harcourt, Brace & World / 1969
003-05-0330-003-038 Ohio Work Values Inventory / Loyale W. Hales / 1974
003-05-0330-003-039 Omnibus Personality Inventory - Form F / The Psychological Corp. / 1968
003-05-0330-003-040 Otis Quick Scoring Mental Ability Tests - New Edition / Harcourt, Brace & World / 1954
003-05-0330-003-041 Otis -Lenon Mental Ability Test - Elementary II, Intermediate & Advanced Levels / The Psychological Corp. / 1968
003-05-0330-003-042 Pair Attraction Inventory (PAI) Revised Edition / Research Press / 1973
003-05-0330-003-043 Parent As A Teacher / Scholastic Testing Service, Inc. / 1984
003-05-0330-003-044 Personal Learning Guide Self Study Booklet - College Edition / David A. Kolb and Richard J. Baker Co. / 1979
003-05-0330-003-045 Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) / EdiTS Publishers / 1973
003-05-0330-003-046 Personality Inventory for Children / Western Psychological Services / 1977
003-05-0330-003-047 Personnel Tests for Industry / The Psychological Corp. / 1969
003-05-0330-003-048 Picture Interest Inventory - Grades 7 to Adult / California Test Bureau / 1958
003-05-0330-003-049 Preschool Attainment Record (Intelligence) Research Edition / American Guidance Services, Inc. / 1966
003-05-0330-003-050 Preschool Inventory - Revised Edition - [Intelligence] / Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. / 1970
003-05-0330-004-001 Primary Mental Abilities - Technical Report - Revised / SRA / 1962
003-05-0330-004-002 Primary Mental Abilities - Grades 2-4 - Revised / SRA / 1962
003-05-0330-004-003 Primary Mental Abilities - Grades 4-6 - Revised / SRA / 1962
003-05-0330-004-004 Primary Mental Abilities - Grades 6-9 - Revised / SRA / 1962
003-05-0330-004-005 Primary Mental Abilities - Grades 9-12 - Revised / SRA / 1962
003-05-0330-004-006 Primary Mental Abilities - Adult - Revised / SRA / 1962
003-05-0330-004-007 Primary Visual Motor Test / Grune & Stratton / 1970
003-05-0330-004-008 Profile Of Mood States (POMS) / EdiTS / 1981
003-05-0330-004-009 Program for Assessing Youth Employment Skills (PAYES) / Educational Testing Service / 1979
003-05-0330-004-010 Pupil Progress Series - Primary Level I, II, Elementary Level, and Advanced Level / Scholastic Testing Service / 1968
003-05-0330-004-011 Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory -II (Sample) / M. Afzalur Rahim / 1983
003-05-0330-004-012 Reading Aptitude Tests / Houghton Mifflin Company / 1963
003-05-0330-004-013 Reading Index / SRA / 1968
003-05-0330-004-014 The Renzulli-Hartman Scale for Rating Behavioral Characteristics for Superior Students / Renzulli-Hatman / n/d
003-05-0330-004-015 Revised Beta Examination - Second Edition (Beta II) / The Psychological Corp. / 1978
003-05-0330-004-016 The Rorschach Method of Personality Diagnosis - Revised Edition / Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. / 1960
003-05-0330-004-017 School and College Ability Tests - Sequential Tests of Educational Progress (SCAT-STEP) 1962 Supplement / Educational Testing Service / 1962
003-05-0330-004-018 School and College Ability Tests - Sequential Tests of Educational Progress (SCAT-STEP) 1963 Supplement / Educational Testing Service / 1963
003-05-0330-004-019 School and College Ability Tests (Scat) Manuals and Test Booklets / Educational Testing Service / 1974
003-05-0330-004-020 School and College Ability Tests (SCAT) Answer Sheets and Score Sheets / Educational Testing Service / 1974
003-05-0330-004-021 The School Inventory / Leland Stanford Junior University / 1936
003-05-0330-004-022 School Motivation Analysis Test (SMAT) / Institute for Personality and Ability Testing / 1970
003-05-0330-004-023 Self-Directed Search - The Occupation Finder / Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. / 1971
003-05-0330-004-024 Sequential Tests of Educational Progress - Series II (Step II) / Cooperative Tests and Services / 1971
003-05-0330-004-025 Sequential Tests of Educational Progress - Series II (Step II) / Cooperative Tests and Services / 1971
003-05-0330-004-026 Sequential Tests of Educational Progress - Series II (Step II) / Cooperative Tests and Services / 1971
003-05-0330-004-027 Short Test of Educational Ability / SRA / 1966
003-05-0330-004-028 Slosson Drawing Coordination Tests (SDCT) For Children and Adults / Slosson Educational Publications / 1971
003-05-0330-004-029 Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) For Children and Adults / Slosson Educational Publications / 1974
003-05-0330-004-030 The Social Insight Test / Consulting Psychologists Press / 1968
003-05-0330-004-031 Stanford Achievement Test - Intermediate II / Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. / 1964
003-05-0330-004-032 Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test - Level I / Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. / 1966
003-05-0330-004-033 Student Data Service / Houghton Mifflin Company / 1967
003-05-0330-004-034 Study Habits Checklist / SRA / 1967
003-05-0330-004-035 The Study Skills Counseling Evaluation / Western Psychological Services / 1962
003-05-0330-004-036 Study of Skills Survey / Effective Study Materials / 1965
003-05-0330-004-037 Study of Interpersonal Values - Preliminary Edition / SRA / 1960
003-05-0330-004-038 Survey of Personal Values / SRA / 1967
003-05-0330-004-039 Survey of School Attitudes - Primary and Intermediate Levels / Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. / 1975
003-05-0330-004-040 The Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes / The Psychological Corp. / 1967
003-05-0330-004-041 Test of Academic Skills - Stanford (TASK) / The Psychological Corp. / 1974
003-05-0330-004-042 Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) 1976 Edition - Directions and Answer Keys / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1976
003-05-0330-004-043 Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE) 1976 Edition - Level D / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1976
003-05-0330-004-044 Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE) 1976 Edition - Level E Form 3 / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1976
003-05-0330-004-045 Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE) 1976 Edition - Level M Form 3 / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1976
003-05-0330-004-046 Tests of Basic Experience (TOBE) Level L / CTB/McGraw-Hill / 1970
003-05-0330-004-047 Tests of Educational Ability, Third Edition, Technical Supplement / SRA / 1963
003-05-0330-004-048 Tests of Educational Ability, 1962 Revision Grades 4-6 / SRA / 1962
003-05-0330-004-049 Tests of Educational Ability, 1962 Revision Grades 6-9 / SRA / 1962
003-05-0330-004-050 Tests of Educational Ability, 1962 Revision Grades 9-12 / SRA / 1962
003-05-0330-004-051 Tests of General Ability - September 1960 Edition - Grades K-6 / SRA / 1960
003-05-0330-004-052 Tests of General Ability - September 1960 Edition - Grades 9-12 / SRA / 1960
003-05-0330-004-053 Thinking Creatively in Action and Movement / Scholastic Testing Service / 1981
003-05-0330-005-001 Thorndike Dimensions of Temperament / The Psychological Corp. / 1966
003-05-0330-005-002 Valett Developmental Survey of Basic Learning Abilities / Consulting Psychologists Press / 1966
003-05-0330-005-003 Verbal - Manuals and Forms / SRA / 1984
003-05-0330-005-004 Vocational Planning Inventory (VPI) / SRA / 1968
003-05-0330-005-005 Vocational Preference Inventory / Consulting Psychologists Press / 1965
003-05-0330-005-006 Wesmen Personnel Classification Test (PCT) 1965 Revision / The Psychological Corp. / 1965
003-05-0330-005-007 Western Personnel Test / Western Psychological Services / 1962
003-05-0330-005-008 What I Like To Do - An Inventory of Children's Interests / SRA / 1954
003-05-0330-005-009 The Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) / Guidance Associates of Delaware, Inc. / 1965
003-05-0330-005-010 Wonderlic Personnel Selection Procedure / E. F. Wonderlic & Associates / 1967
003-05-0330-005-011 Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests / American Guidance Services, Inc. / 1973
003-05-0330-005-012 Work Values Inventory - Grades 7-12-College-Adult / Houghton Mifflin / 1970
003-05-0330-005-013 Miscellaneous - Scoring Template for Drawing Tests (A) [Test Unknown] / The Psychological Corp. / 1969
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