Guide to the Records of the Office of President
ถถา๕ State University Dothan,
Record Group 006
Date Span 1974- 2002
Historical Sketch ถถา๕ State University Dothan began in 1951 when ถถา๕ State College began offering courses at Ft. Rucker. In 1961 that became a residential and "course completion" site, meaning students did not have to attend any classes at ถถา๕'s main campus to finish their Bachelor's degrees. Outgrowing that facility in 1974, the campus moved to space at Wallace Community College then to the Houston Hotel in 1975. In 1977 the school bought the Houston Hotel, and in 1990 moved to the ถถา๕ State University Dothan Campus on US 231.
In 1978 TSU president Ralph Adams instructed the Dothan and Montgomery branch campuses to seek separate accreditation from SACS. To do so required the Dothan campus to expand its course offerings and physical plant. It did so under Robert M. Paul and achieved accreditation in 1985. TSUD retained its distinct status within the TSU System until all campuses were reincorporated as branches of the newly-renamed ถถา๕ University on August 1, 2005.
Dr. Michael Malone was president of TSUD, 1996-2003. He oversaw the building of the R. Terry Everett Hall (opened in 2002) and the establishment of the The Wiregrass Archives (also opened in 2002). He became a Vice-Chancellor within the ถถา๕ System, then became head of Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE), 2003-2006.
When TSUD was merged into ถถา๕ in 2005, the Office of the President was replaced by a Campus Vice Chancellor. Mr. Bob Willis held the interim position 2005-November 2007. Dr. Don Jeffery became Campus Vice Chancellor in November 2007.
Presidents of TSUD:
- Thomas Harrison, 1985--1995
- Doug Patterson (interim), 1995--1996
- Michael Malone, 1996--2002
- Barbara Alford, 2002--2005
- (Source: Scotty Kirkland, "History of ถถา๕ State University Dothan," Draft, 2005)
Scope/Content Note: These records document the establishment of the separately-accredited campus of the ถถา๕ State University System at Dothan, the perambulations of the campus physical plant from Ft. Rucker to Wallace Community College to Downtown Dothan to the northwest Dothan campus, and the establishment of a functioning college.
Subgroups: Organized into subgroups by name of President (or precursor/successor):
- 1. Records of Mr. Robert Paul, 1974-1985.
- 2. Records of Dr. Thomas Harrison, 1985-1989.
- 3. Records of Dr. Michael Malone, 1975-2006.
- 4. Records of Dr. Barbara Alford, 1994-2005.
Series: The collection contained 5 series across four presidential administrations: 1. Subject and Correspondence Files (appears in all four subgroups); 2. Guestbooks; 3. Videotapes; 4. Audiocassettes; 5. Artifacts and Miscellaneous. Series 2, 3, 4, and 5 appear only in Subgroup 3 - Records of Dr. Michael Malone.
Provenance: Transferred from President to President until Dr. Malone left TSUD in 2003, thereafter noncurrent files transferred to The Wiregrass Archives. Current files remained with successors.
Preferred Citation: [Item], [Subgroup], Records of the Office of President, TSUD, RG006. The Wiregrass Archives, ถถา๕--Dothan Campus, Dothan, AL.
Acq Method: Transfer
Donor Name: Office of President
Subgroup 1: Records of Mr. Robert Paul, 1974 - 1985, 13 File Folders. Mr. Paul oversaw the creation of ถถา๕ State University Dothan from its first classrooms (shared by Wallace Community College) to its downtown Dothan campus to its separate accreditation by SACS.
Series 1: Subject and Correspondence Files
File I.D. File Label
006-05-0310-001-001 ACHE Recommendation / 1974
006-05-0310-001-002 Correspondence To/From Mr. Paul, Jan 1983-Dec 1985 [1 of 2]
006-05-0310-001-003 Correspondence To/From Mr. Paul, Jan 1983-Dec 1985 [2 of 2]
006-10-1012-001-001 Letters & Speech Copies
006-05-0310-001-004 Renovations TSU Dothan 1981
006-05-0310-001-005 Report of the Visiting Committee Southern Association of Colleges & Schools for Initial Accreditation, May 7-10, 1985
006-05-0310-001-006 SACS (Mr. Paul's files) [1981-1985]
006-09-1214-001-001 TSUD/Ft. Rucker, Advisory Committee Report, 1980
006-09-1214-001-002 Vice President's Planning and Advisory Committee Reports, Correspondence, Minutes [1 of 3], 1983 - 1985
006-09-1214-001-003 Vice President's Planning and Advisory Committee Reports, Correspondence, Minutes [2 of 3], 1983 - 1985
006-09-1214-001-004 Vice President's Planning and Advisory Committee Reports, Correspondence, Minutes [3 of 3], 1983 - 1985
006-05-0310-001-007 Waid, Holmes & Associates
Subgroup 2: Records of Dr. Thomas Harrison, 1985-1989, 17 File Folders. Dr. Harrison led TSUD until he retired in 1995. His two most significant accomplishments were the building of the new TSUD campus on US 231 N and the articulation agreement with Wallace Community College.
Series 1: Subject / Correspondence
File I.D. File Label
006-09-0708-001-001 Accomplishments, TSUD, 1985-1986
006-09-1213-001-001 Annual Planning Statements, 1988-1993 [1 of 2]
006-09-1213-001-002 Annual Planning Statements, 1988-1993 [2 of 2]
006-09-1213-001-003 Economic Development and Education, 1988-89
006-09-1213-001-004 Educational Needs Assessment Survey, Dec. 1988
006-09-1213-001-005 The Greater TSUD Development Fund Leadership Committee [1 of 2]
006-09-1213-001-006 The Greater TSUD Development Fund Leadership Committee [2 of 2]
006-09-1213-001-007 Instructional Support Laboratory
006-09-1213-001-008 Live Cacophony, TSUD Literary Magazine, Summer 1988
006-09-1213-001-009 Market Planning [Marketing Plan]
006-09-1213-001-010 Master Plan, Draft [Administrative, Academic, Financial, Facilities, and Student Affairs Development Plans]
006-09-1213-002-001 President's Advisory Committee for Five Year and Long Range Planning
006-09-1213-002-002 TSUD Image Study, August 1987 - Sorrell College of Business
006-09-1213-002-003 TSUD/FR Program Planning
006-09-1213-002-004 TSUS Review, 1989
006-09-1213-002-005 Resolution of congratulations for [Wiregrass Interinstitutional Coordinating Agreement โ Wallace State Comm. College/Dothan & ถถา๕ State Univ/Dothan]
006-09-1213-002-006 TSUD Articulation Task Force โ TSUD/WC[C] Agreement
Subgroup 3: Records of Dr. Michael Malone, 1975-2006. Dr. Malone was TSUD president, 1996 - 2003, but he retained many records of his predecessors. When he retired in 2003, he became the Director of the Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE). Records organized into 5 series: 1. Subject and Correspondence Files ; 2. Videotapes ; 3. Audiotapes ; 4. Guestbooks ; 5. Artifacts and Miscellaneous.
Series 1: Subject / Correspondence, 1975-2006, 444 file folders.
File I.D. File Title
006-02-005-001-001 AASCU (American Assn of State Colleges & Universities)
006-02-005-001-002 ACBSP: Accreditation 1993
006-02-005-001-003 ACBSP โ General Correspondence 1999-2000
006-02-005-001-004 ACHE Academia Program Viability Act (1998)
006-02-005-001-005 ACHE Correspondence โ In 1998-1999
006-02-005-001-006 ACHE Correspondence โ In 2000
006-02-005-001-007 ACHE Correspondence โ In 2001-2002
006-02-005-001-008 ACHE Correspondence โ Out 1997-2002
006-02-005-001-009 ACHE Performance Based Budgeting & Incentive Funding 1998-2000
006-02-005-001-010 ACHE Statistical Abstract 1997-1998
006-02-005-001-011 ACHE Student Databases 1999
006-02-005-001-012 ACHE Technology Scholarship Program for AL Teachers (TSPAT) 1999-2000
006-02-005-001-013 ACHE Unified Budget Recommendation 1997-98
006-02-005-001-014 ADA Compliance Committee 1999-2001
006-02-005-001-015 Administrative Council
006-02-005-001-016 Administrative Leave 1998-2001
006-02-005-001-017 AGSC 4X4 Transfer Task 2000-2001
006-02-005-001-018 AGSC Meeting July 19-20, 2001
006-02-005-001-019 AGSC Stationery
006-02-005-001-020 Alabama ACT Council, March 1, 2001, Auburn University Conference Center.
006-02-005-001-021 Alabama Department of Education Teacher Preparation Program Performance Profile [by School, State Summary]
006-02-005-001-022 Alabama-Florida Council Boy Scouts of America 1998-2002
006-02-005-001-023 Alabama Humanities Foundation Board of Directors 2000-01
006-02-005-001-024 Alabama Humanities Foundation โ General 1999-2000
006-02-005-001-025 Alabama Humanities Foundation โ General 2001
006-02-005-001-026 Alabama Humanities Foundation Motheread Program 2000
006-02-005-001-027 Alabama Humanities Foundation โ Chair Correspondence 2000-01
006-02-005-001-028 Alabama Teacher Preparation Advisory Council (ATPAC) 2000-2001
006-02-005-001-029 Alabama Teacher Preparation Advisory Council Meeting 2000
006-02-005-001-030 Alabama Women in Higher Education Administration
006-02-005-001-031 Alford, Barbara 1999-2001
006-02-005-001-032 American Seating 2000
006-02-005-001-033 American With Disabilities Act Info
006-02-005-001-034 Amphitheater Proposal 2001
006-02-005-001-035 Army Aviation Center Federal Credit Union
006-02-005-001-036 Army Aviation Museum Foundation Board 1999-01
006-02-005-001-037 Army Aviation Museum Foundation, Inc. โ Board of Directors Meeting (Feb.'01)
006-02-005-001-038 Articulation Agreement (TSUD / Wallace College)
006-02-005-001-039 Articulation and General Studies Comm. โ Info / Corr. 1999/00
006-02-005-001-040 Articulation and General Studies Comm. - Minutes 1998
006-02-005-001-041 Articulation and General Studies Comm. โ Minutes 1999/01
006-02-005-001-042 AUSA
006-02-005-001-043 Automated Attendant Recordings 1999
006-02-005-001-044 Aviation 2000
006-02-005-001-045 Bike Trail 1999
006-02-005-001-046 Blank Pledge Cards / Return Envelopes
006-02-005-001-047 Budget 1999-2000
006-02-005-001-048 Budget Preparation 2000-01
006-02-005-001-049 Budget โ President's Office 1998-1999
006-02-005-001-050 2000-01 Budget Proration
006-02-005-001-051 Budget (P.O.): Monthly Reports 2001
006-02-005-001-052 Budget (P.O.): Purchase Req. & Accts Payable Check Requests
006-02-005-001-053 Budget (P.O.) Purchase Requisitions 2001-2002
006-02-005-001-054 Budget (P.O.): Travel 2001-2002
006-02-005-001-055 Budget (P.O.): Transfers 2001
006-02-005-001-056 Budget โ State General Fund Comparison Sheet
006-02-005-001-057 Building Notes
006-02-005-001-058 Business Council of Alabama 1999-2001
006-02-005-002-001 Calendar 1999-2001
006-02-005-002-002 Calendar Committee 1999
006-02-005-002-003 Campaign Envelopes
006-02-005-002-004 Campaign Second Sheets
006-02-005-002-005 Campus Security 1999
006-02-005-002-006 Capital Campaign (Cindy)
006-02-005-002-007 Capital Campaign Accounts Deposits / Payment Req. / etc.
006-02-005-002-008 Capital Campaign Correspondence โ Incoming
006-02-005-002-009 Capital Campaign Correspondence โ Outgoing
006-02-005-002-010 Capital Campaign Faculty / Staff
006-02-005-002-011 Capital Campaign Stationery
006-02-005-002-012 Capital Campaign Status Reports
006-02-005-002-013 Capital Campaign Visit Materials
006-02-005-002-014 Cellular Telephones 1999-2000
006-02-005-002-015 Certificates (Blank) w/diskette
006-02-005-002-016 Christmas Cards 1999-2000
006-02-005-002-017 Christmas Party 1999
006-02-005-002-018 City of Dothan โ Welcome Signs
006-02-005-002-019 College of Arts and Sciences 2000
006-02-005-002-020 Color Copier (Mailroom)
006-02-005-002-021 College Board Southern Region Academic Assembly 2001
006-02-005-002-022 College Board, The. 2000-2001
006-02-005-002-023 College Board National Forum 2000
006-02-005-002-024 College Board National Forum 2001
006-02-005-002-025a The College Board Southern Regional Meeting, Feb. 13-16, 2001
006-02-005-002-025b The College Board Southern Regional Meeting, Feb. 13-16, 2001 โ Attendee's Packet
006-02-005-002-025c The College Board Southern Regional Meeting, Feb. 13-16, 2001 โ Reference Manual
006-02-005-002-026 College Board CAP Project 1999-2000
006-02-005-002-027 College Board CAP Technical Report โ 2000 โ Findings From a Community Survey
006-02-005-002-028 College Board CAP Policy Report โ 2000 โ Policy Recommendation
006-02-005-002-029 Color โ New Building Pictures
006-02-005-002-030 Commencement Fall 98
006-02-005-002-031 Commencement Fall 99
006-02-005-002-032 Commencement Spring 98
006-02-005-002-033 Commencement Spring 99
006-02-005-002-034 Community Advisory Board 1997
006-02-005-002-035 Community Advisory Board 1998
006-02-005-002-036 Community Advisory Board 1999
006-02-005-002-037 Community Advisory Board List 96-99
006-02-005-002-038 Community Focus Group (Think Tank Proposal) 2000
006-02-005-002-039 Community Foundation
006-02-005-002-040 Compensation Plans 1999
006-02-005-002-041 Conference Center
006-02-005-002-042 Consultant: Dr. Carol Aslanian Fall 1996
006-02-005-002-043 Correspondence โ In 1999
006-02-005-002-044 Correspondence โ In 2000
006-02-005-002-045 Correspondence โ In 2001
006-02-005-002-046 Correspondence โ Out 1998
006-02-005-002-047 Correspondence โ Out 1999
006-02-005-002-048 Correspondence โ Out 2000
006-02-005-002-049 Correspondence โ Out 2001
006-02-005-002-050 Continuing Education 1999-2000
006-02-005-002-051 Continuing Education Tuition Policy for Faculty / Staff
006-02-005-002-052 Correspondence โ In TSU 98
006-02-005-002-053 Correspondence โ In TSU 99
006-02-005-002-054 Correspondence โ TSU Incoming 2000
006-02-005-002-055 Correspondence โ TSU In 2001
006-02-005-002-056 Correspondence โ Out System 1998
006-02-005-002-057 Correspondence โ TSU โ Out 1999
006-02-005-002-058 Correspondence โ TSU โ Out 2000
006-02-005-002-059 Correspondence โ TSU โ Out 2001
006-02-005-003-001 DayTimer Info
006-02-005-003-002 Deferred Payment Plan ('98)
006-02-005-003-003 Delta Mu Delta Zeta Omicron โ98
006-02-005-003-004 Distance Learning โ00
006-02-005-003-005 Dothan Area Chamber Board of Directors โ General Info '99-02
006-02-005-003-006 Dothan Bond Issue (City) 1999-2000
006-02-005-003-007 Dothan Chamber Agriculture Comm. 2000
006-02-005-003-008 Dothan โ Houston Co. โAn Illustrated History' 1998
006-02-005-003-009 Dothan Sister City Comm. 99-00
006-02-005-003-010 EDL 6604 Taught by Malone 2001
006-02-005-003-011 EDL 6633 Class Taught by Malone 1999
006-02-005-003-012 Educational Information Technology (Houston County) 2000
006-02-005-003-013 Employee Performance Evaluation Task Force
006-02-005-003-014 Evening Admin / Security
006-02-005-003-015 Everett, Rep. Terry Gift Papers Agreement 1999
006-02-005-003-016 Executive Council 1999-2001
006-02-005-003-017a ExEL Program 1999-2000
006-02-005-003-017b ExEL Program Grant Proposal
006-02-005-003-018 Facilities Master Plan / Capital Project Request
006-02-005-003-019 Faculty Advisory Council 1999-2001
006-02-005-003-020 Faculty Appointments
006-02-005-003-021 Faculty Personnel Advisory Committee
006-02-005-003-022a Faculty Promotion & Tenure Comm. 1999-2000
006-02-005-003-022b Faculty Meeting Notes (98) also 1999-2000
006-02-005-003-023a Faculty / Staff Information 98-99
006-02-005-003-023b Financial Aid / Veterans' Affairs 99-01
006-02-005-003-024 Flags
006-02-005-003-025 Fleming, Peggy โ98
006-02-005-003-026 Flight Safety International Agreement
006-02-005-003-027 Foreign Faculty Members
006-02-005-003-028 General Information
006-02-005-003-029 Grade Appeal
006-02-005-003-030 Groundbreaking Committee
006-02-005-003-031 Halcomb, Cynthia 8/1986
006-02-005-003-032 Hallman, James D. 1998
006-02-005-003-033 Harrison Room Policies 2000
006-02-005-003-034 Health & Safety Committee
006-02-005-003-035 Healthcare Professional Development Needs 1998
006-02-005-003-036 Heart Walk 2001
006-02-005-003-037 Heinrich, Dr. Eric J. 2000
006-02-005-003-038 Heritage Week 2000
006-02-005-003-039 Michael Higgins 2000
006-02-005-003-040 Higher Education Budget 2001
006-02-005-003-041 Higher Ed. Governmental Aff. Council 1999
006-02-005-003-042 Higher Ed. Leadership Political Action Comm. (HELP)
006-02-005-003-043a Higher Education Partnership 99-00
006-02-005-003-043b Higher Education Partnership 1998-2001
006-02-005-003-044 Higher Education Partnership Board of Directors Meeting, July 19, 2001
006-02-005-003-045 Holiday Luncheon
006-02-005-003-046 Honor Plaques
006-02-005-003-047 Honors List Criteria
006-02-005-003-048 Honors Convocation Committee 1999-2000
006-02-005-003-049 Human Resource Professionals (HRP)
006-02-005-003-050 Information Services 199-2000
006-02-005-003-051 Installation โ Congratulatory Notes
006-02-005-003-052 Installation โ Invitations
006-02-005-003-053 Installation โ Newspaper Articles
006-02-005-003-054 Installation โ Outgoing Corr.
006-02-005-003-055 Installation โ Planning and inauguration
006-02-005-003-056 Installation โ Platform Party
006-02-005-003-057 Installation โ Speeches
006-02-005-003-058 Institutional Evaluation & Effectiveness Comm.
006-02-005-003-059 Institutional Research and Effectiveness Office
006-02-005-003-060 Institutional Technology Plan 1994
006-02-005-003-061 Institutional Technology Planning Committee (ITPC) 1999
006-02-005-003-062 Inventory โ President's Office
006-02-005-003-063 IPEDS
006-02-005-003-064 Job Descriptions for Staff Reporting to President 1999
006-02-005-003-065 June 2, 1997 Kickoff Meeting TSUD Development Team
006-02-005-003-066 Key Control Procedures
006-02-005-003-067 Leadership Alabama 2000
006-02-005-003-068 Leave Policies
006-02-005-003-069 Legislative Bills 2000
006-02-005-003-070 Legislative Info. 1990
006-02-005-003-071 Library 1999-2000
006-02-005-003-072 Library Technology Building โ Digital Photographs of Construction
006-02-005-003-073 Library Technology Building โ Interior Considerations
006-02-005-003-074 Library / Technology Bldg โ Open House Planning Comm. โ01
006-02-005-003-075 Lifelong Learning Scholarship
006-02-005-003-076 Lobbying Laws and Gifts Rules Guide
006-02-005-003-077 LOGOS 1999-2001
006-02-005-003-078 Mailroom Info. 1999
006-02-005-003-079 Malone, Michael Personal 1999-2000
006-02-005-003-080 Mailouts from President
006-02-005-003-081 Malone, Dr. Michael E. June 1, 1996
006-02-005-004-001 Maps 1999
006-02-005-004-002 Marriott Management Service 1999
006-02-005-004-003 Memorial Tree Program
006-02-005-004-004 Memos โ In 1999-2001
006-02-005-004-005 Memos โ Out 1999-2001
006-02-005-004-006 Michelin Fitness Agreement
006-02-005-004-007 Minority Faculty-In-Development Selection Comm. 1999
006-02-005-004-008 Minority Recruitment Plan
006-02-005-004-009 Miscellaneous
006-02-005-004-010 Mission Statement
006-02-005-004-011 Mission Statement 1988-95
006-02-005-004-012 Mobile Radio (Southern Company)
006-02-005-004-013 Music South 2000
006-02-005-004-014 National Aviation and Transportation Center โ New York
006-02-005-004-015 National Security Seminar 1999
006-02-005-004-016 NCATE Accreditation 1999
006-02-005-004-017 NCATE Continuing Accreditation Report 98
006-02-005-004-018 Newspaper Articles
006-02-005-004-019 1997 President's Installation
006-02-005-004-020 Northside Mall
006-02-005-004-021 Organizational Charts
006-02-005-004-022 Outcomes Assessment Division Report 2001
006-02-005-004-023 Oxford Roundtable 2001
006-02-005-004-024 Parking Regulations
006-02-005-004-025 Personnel Employment Procedures
006-02-005-004-026 Photographs
006-02-005-004-027 Planning Document 1995-2000
006-02-005-004-028 Presentation to Chancellor โ TSUD Strategic Plan
006-02-005-004-029 Presentation to TSU System Board of Trustees
006-02-005-004-030 Presidential Installation Comm. 1997
006-02-005-004-031 President's List 1999-2001
006-02-005-004-032 President's Wall Frames (Malone Hall)
006-02-005-004-033 Professional Women's Advisory Board (Continuing Education)
006-02-005-004-034 Professor Emeritus 1999
006-02-005-004-035 Purchase Orders โ Open 2001
006-02-005-004-036 Purchasing Policies & Procedures 1999-2000
006-02-005-004-037 Quest for Excellence Campaign Promotional Items
006-02-005-004-038 Quest for Excellence Campaign 1997
006-02-005-004-039 Quick, Johnnie R. 2/1/97
006-02-005-004-040 Regional Development 2000
006-02-005-004-041 Renaissance Group (Wed. AM) 2000
006-02-005-004-042 Retirement Reception โ June 98
006-02-005-004-043 Riedel, Robert G. II โ Chancellor Fellow- Spring 99
006-02-005-004-044 Rising Junior Exam
006-02-005-004-045 Ruediger, Dr. Greg
006-02-005-004-046 SACS: Action Plan 1999-2000
006-02-005-004-047 SACS: Annual Meeting 2000
006-02-005-004-048 SACS: 2001 Annual Meeting
006-02-005-004-049 SACS: Correspondence 1999-2001
006-02-005-004-050 SACS: Accreditation for TSUD
006-02-005-004-051 SACS: Institutional Profile 2000
006-02-005-004-052 SACS: (TSUD) Self Study Correspondence 1999-2000
006-02-005-004-053a SACS: 2000 Annual Meeting
006-02-005-004-053b SACS: 2000 Annual Meeting
006-02-005-004-054 Salaries - System
006-02-005-004-055 Salaries โ TSUD 1999
006-02-005-004-056 Schlotzsky's Deli
006-02-005-004-057 Scholarships 2001
006-02-005-004-058 School of Business 1999-2000
006-02-005-004-059 School of Education 1999-2001
006-02-005-004-060 School of Education Corresp. To State Dept. of Ed. 92-94
006-02-005-004-061 SEADAC / Southeast Alabama Dance Company By Laws 1996
006-02-005-004-062 Search Comm. โ Business Manager 1996
006-02-005-004-063 Self Help Fund Drive 94-95
006-02-005-004-064 Semester Conversion Steering Committee 1999
006-02-005-004-065 Service Area Map
006-02-005-004-066 Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC)
006-02-005-004-067 Sexual Harassment Policy
006-02-005-004-068 Sick Leave Donor Program 1999
006-02-005-004-069 Sloss Furnaces National Historical Landmark
006-02-005-004-070 Small, William (folder 1 of 2)
006-02-005-004-071 Smoke Free Policy 1999
006-02-005-004-072 Software Licenses
006-02-005-004-073 Southeast Alabama Dance Company (SEADAC) 1999
006-02-005-004-074 Southeast Alabama Regional Development Conf. 10/19/98
006-02-005-004-075 Southern Linc 2000
006-02-005-004-076 Proclamation & Resolutions (Legislative, City & County) 8/93
006-02-005-004-077 Small, William (folder 2 of 2) Legal-sized.
006-02-005-005-001 Space Utilization Policy
006-02-005-005-002 Special Education Programs 90-92
006-02-005-005-003 Speech Portfolio (Script-master) 2000
006-02-005-005-004 Sprint PCS 98
006-02-005-005-005 SREB
006-02-005-005-006 Staff Handbook Review Committee
006-02-005-005-007 Staff Salary Equity Plan
006-02-005-005-008 State Car Policies 1999
006-02-005-005-009 Stationery โ Office of the President
006-02-005-005-010 TSUD Strategic Plant 1996-1999 (2000)
006-02-005-005-011 Strategic Plan 2000-2005
006-02-005-005-012 Strategic Plan Documents TSU, TSUM 96 and 2000
006-02-005-005-013 Strategic Plan Task Force โ ACHE
006-02-005-005-014 Strategic Plan Task Force โ Alabama Power Foundation Grant
006-02-005-005-015 Strategic Plan Task Force โ Consultant โ Dan Joslyn โ Correspondence, Memo's, Notes.
006-02-005-005-016a Strategic Plan Task Force โ Consultant โ Dan Joslyn โ Reference Materials (Folder 1 of 2)
006-02-005-005-016b Strategic Plan Task Force โ Consultant โ Dan Joslyn โ Reference Materials (Folder 2 of 2)
006-02-005-005-017 Strategic Plan Task Force โ Dothan Information
006-02-005-005-018 Strategic Plan Task Force โ Finance / Facilities โ95
006-02-005-005-019 Strategic Plan Task Force โ Report on TSUD Organization, Personnel, and Technology Factors (1995)
006-02-005-005-020 Strategic Plan Task Force โ Subcommittee Report โ TSUD Student Factors
006-02-005-005-021 Strategic Plan Task Force โ โToward a New Century of Service: a Strategic Plan for TSUDโ
006-02-005-005-022a Strategic Plan Task Force โ TSUD Committee Materials (Folder 1 of 2)
006-02-005-005-022b Strategic Plan Task Force โ TSUD Committee Materials (Folder 2 of 2)
006-02-005-005-023 Strategic Plan Task Force โ Wallace College
006-02-005-005-024 Student Affairs Committee
006-02-005-005-025 Student & Community Services 1999-2001
006-02-005-005-026 Student Government Association (SGA) 1999-2001
006-02-005-005-027 Student Mentor Program 93-94
006-02-005-005-028 Student Problems 1996-2000
006-02-005-005-029 Student Right-To-Know & Campus Security Act
006-02-005-005-030 Student Support Services Program Correspondence
006-02-005-005-031 Student Support Services Program Grant Award Notification 1999-2001
006-02-005-005-032 Student Support Services Program Grant Application 10/96
006-02-005-005-033 Student Support Services Program Grant Award โ Revised Budget 1997-98
006-02-005-006-001 System Academic Coordinating Council (Team) 2001
006-02-005-006-002a (System) Auditor Report 10/1/90 โ 9/30/98 (Folder 1 of 2)
006-02-005-006-002b (System) Auditor Report 10/1/90 โ 9/30/98 (Folder 2 of 2)
006-02-005-006-003 (System) Chancellor's Fellowship Program 1997-2001
006-02-005-006-004 (System) Common Course Numbering
006-02-005-006-005 (System) Copyright Policy
006-02-005-006-006 (System) Grant & Contract Procedures
006-02-005-006-007 (System) Graphic Standards Manual
006-02-005-006-008 (System) Information
006-02-005-006-009 System Institutional Research 2001
006-02-005-006-010 System MIS Reorganization 2001
006-02-005-006-011 (System) Policy & Procedures Private Gift Fund Raising 1999
006-02-005-006-012 (System) Public Affairs Policy
006-02-005-006-013 System Student & Support Services Team
006-02-005-006-014 System Strategic Management Teams' Conference
006-02-005-006-015 System Vice President Info 2001
006-02-005-006-016 Talent Search
006-02-005-006-017 Task Force on Payment of Tuition & Fees Ad Hoc 1996-97
006-02-005-006-018 Technology Bldg. Ribbon Cutting Committee 2000
006-02-005-006-019 Technology Plan
006-02-005-006-020 Telecommunications Infrastructure Management Proposal 2000
006-02-005-006-021 Telecourse Videotape Procedure
006-02-005-006-022 Title III Correspondence 2001
006-02-005-006-023a Title III Grant Proposal 2001
006-02-005-006-023b Title III Grant Application Under the Strengthening Institutions Program March 2001
006-02-005-006-024 Travel Expense Forms 1999-2000
006-02-005-006-025 Travel Regulations
006-02-005-006-026 TSUD Administrative Council Minutes 1984
006-02-005-006-027 TSUD Administrative Council Minutes 1986-1990
006-02-005-006-028 TSUD Administrative Council Minutes 1991-994
006-02-005-006-029 TSUD Administrative Council Minutes 1995-1998
006-02-005-006-030 TSUD Alumni Assoc. 2000
006-02-005-006-031 TSUD / AMA Extension Institute Continuing Education Agreement
006-02-005-006-032 TSUD Community Advisory Board Minutes 1986-2000
006-02-005-006-033a TSUD Courtesy Committee โ Annual Accounting 1994-1998
006-02-005-006-033b TSUD Courtesy Committee โ Annual Accounting 1994-1998
006-02-005-006-034 TSUD Courtesy Committee โ Check Record 1993-1994
006-02-005-006-035 TSUD Courtesy Committee โ Check Record 1995-1996
006-02-005-006-036 TSUD Factbook 1999-2001
006-02-005-006-037 TSUD Faculty / Staff Meeting Minutes 1986-1998
006-02-005-006-038 TSUD โFastโ Facts
006-02-005-006-039 TSUD Marketing Team 1996-1998
006-02-005-006-040 TSUD Service Area
006-02-005-006-041 TSUD Student Support Services Program 1998-1999
006-02-005-006-042 TSUD Technology Usage Policy
006-02-005-006-043 TSUD University Master Plan 1988-1989
006-02-005-006-044 Tuition: Assistance Policy 1999-2000
006-02-005-006-045 Tuition: Out-of-State Policy
006-02-005-006-046 Tuition: Payment Plan
006-02-005-006-047 Tuition: Proposals 1999-2001
006-02-005-006-048 Tuition: Waiver for Educational Professionals
006-02-005-006-049 TSUD Vision Executive Summary
006-02-005-006-050 TSUD / Wallace College Agreement 1995
006-02-005-006-051 TSUD / Wallace College Conflict Chronology
006-02-005-006-052 TSUD โ Wallace College Possibilities
006-02-005-007-001 TSU Consent Decree Monitoring Comm. (CDMC) 1997-98
006-02-005-007-002 TSU Consent Decree Monitoring Comm. (CDMC) 1999-2000
006-02-005-007-003 TSU Distance Education Comm. 1998
006-02-005-007-004 TSU Enrollment Management (Scholarship Review Comm.) 1997
006-02-005-007-005 TSU / Judah Agreement 1990
006-02-005-007-006 TSUM
006-02-005-007-007 TSU Miscellaneous
006-02-005-007-008 TSU National Alumni Assoc.
006-02-005-007-009 TSU System Administrative Council Minutes 1979-1986
006-02-005-007-010 TSUS Annual Compliance Report on Remedial and Consent Decrees April 15, 1998
006-02-005-007-011 TSU Annual Compliance Report on Remedial and Consent Decrees April 15, 2001
006-02-005-007-012 TSU System Board of Trustee Minutes
006-02-005-007-013 TSU System Bus Tour
006-02-005-007-014 TSU System Distance Education Policies
006-02-005-007-015 TSU System Distance Learning (System Virtual University) 2000
006-02-005-007-016 TSU System Ed. D. Program 2001
006-02-005-007-017 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1975
006-02-005-007-018 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1976
006-02-005-007-019 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1977
006-02-005-007-020 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1978
006-02-005-007-021 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1979
006-02-005-007-022 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1980
006-02-005-007-023 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1981
006-02-005-007-024 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1982
006-02-005-007-025 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1983
006-02-005-007-026 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1984
006-02-005-007-027 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1985
006-02-005-007-028 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1986
006-02-005-007-029 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1987
006-02-005-007-030 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1988
006-02-005-007-031 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1989
006-02-005-007-032 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1990
006-02-005-007-033 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1991
006-02-005-007-034 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1992
006-02-005-007-035 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1993
006-02-005-007-036 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1994
006-02-005-007-037 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1995
006-02-005-007-038 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1996
006-02-005-007-039 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1997
006-02-005-007-040 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1998
006-02-005-007-041 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 1999
006-02-005-007-042 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 2000
006-02-005-007-043 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 2001
006-02-005-007-044 TSU System Executive Committee Minutes 2002
006-02-005-007-045a TSU System Image Committee (RE: Name Change) 1998
006-02-005-007-045b TSU System Image Committee (RE: Name Change) 1998
006-02-005-007-046 TSU System Property Survey 1996
006-02-005-008-001 TSU System Retreat
006-02-005-008-002 TSU System: Review of Distance ED Across System 1998
006-02-005-008-003a TSU System Strategic Planning 2001- 05 (Folder 1 of 2)
006-02-005-008-003b TSU System Strategic Planning 2001- 05 Notebook (Folder 2 of 2)
006-02-005-008-004 TSU University College Degree Programs & Locations
006-02-005-008-005 TSU Virtual University 2000
006-02-005-008-006 University Advisory Board 1994-
006-02-005-008-007 University Forum
006-02-005-008-008 University of Alabama QUEST Program
006-02-005-008-009 University Master Plan Comm. 1997-2000
006-02-005-008-010 University Master Plan Comm. Minutes, Memos, & Handouts
006-02-005-008-011 U.S. & Knight vs. State of Alabama
006-02-005-008-012 Windom, Lt. Gov. Steve 2000
006-02-005-008-013 Wiregrass Forum Group
006-02-005-008-014 Wiregrass Leadership Institute 1997-2001
006-02-005-008-015 Wiregrass Museum of Art 2000-2001
006-02-005-008-016 Wiregrass Rehabilitation Center Food Service @ TSUD
006-02-005-008-017 Wiregrass United Way / Education Division (Malone Co-Chair 2000)
006-02-005-008-018 Wiregrass United Way Campaign Plan 2002: Choose to Care
006-02-005-008-019 Wireless Cable 1991-96
006-02-005-008-020 Woodham, Ronald T. 1996
006-02-005-009-002 [TSUD/WCC Articulation Task Force - Summer Meeting 1995 & Winter Meeting 1995]
006-02-005-009-003 1996-1999 A Strategic Plan of TSUD
006-02-005-009-004 [Findings from a Community Survey - Technical Report for TSUD, 2000] [Folder 1 of 2]
006-02-005-009-005 [Findings from a Community Survey - Technical Report for TSUD, 2000] [Folder 2 of 2]
006-02-005-009-006 ถถา๕ State University Dothan, 1955-2005: A Half Century of Change and Growth, 2006
006-02-005-009-007 University of Alabama - Engineering Program
Series 2: Videotapes (VHS), 1983-2000, 26 Items
File I.D. File Title
006-02-005-010-001 Dr. Sublette on WTVY-TV Morning Show March 11, 1983
006-02-005-010-002 Summer Quarter Commencement August 8, 1986 ถถา๕ State University
006-02-005-010-003 WTVY News TSUD 9/25 โ 9/26/86 and 9/29/86
006-02-005-010-004 The Alabama Joint Briefing Room 12/1/86
006-02-005-010-005 Business Incubator Informational Session by E. Lynn Stacey July 14, 1988 Ballroom
006-02-005-010-006 ถถา๕ State University at Dothan Spring Commencement Exercise, June 9, 1989.
006-02-005-010-007 TSUD Spring Commencement, June 9, 1989, Dr. Ralph W. Adams, Speaker.
006-02-005-010-008 WTSU-TV at New Campus [1990?]
006-02-005-010-009 Multiculturalism in Educational Improvement. Samuel Betances. SACS 1991 Meeting.
006-02-005-010-010 TSUD โ Wallace Softball Challenge April 30, 1992
006-02-005-010-011 New Employee Orientation Program, July 7, 1993, c.1
006-02-005-011-001 New Employee Orientation Program, July 7, 1993, c.2
006-02-005-011-002 New Employee Orientation Program, July 7, 1993, c.3
006-02-005-011-003 1994-95 TSUD Student Orientation Video
006-02-005-011-004 Ann Varnum โCookbookโ 12/7/94
006-02-005-011-005 1995-96 TSUD Student Orientation Video
006-02-005-011-006 "Meeting of Senior Administrators & Selected Unit Directors to Review Next Steps in the Planning Process โ November 16, 1995"
006-02-005-011-007 The NAT Center. MAGLEV 2000 OF Florida (1/98)
006-02-005-011-008 Virtual Universities: Online & On-Target? February 3, 2000
006-02-005-011-009 University of Alabama โ Engineering Lab Delivery to TSUD โ Channel 18 News March 6, 2000
006-02-005-011-010 U of A and TSUD Mech. Engineering Program Ribbon Cutting April 10, 2000
006-02-005-011-011 TSU Band Concert April 2000
006-02-005-011-012 TSU Band Concert April 2000, c.2
006-02-005-012-001 TSU Retreat โ Dr. Hawkins' Speech โ July/August 2000
006-02-005-012-002 Trojan Country โ Dr. McGaha
006-02-005-012-003 Overview of B.S. Technology Program at Jax State (Jacksonville State) โ 1991
006-02-005-012-004 The ถถา๕ State University Television System
Series 3: Audiocassettes, 1986, 3 Items
File I.D. File Title
006-02-005-012-005 Dr. Joseph Sutton's Speech at Dothan Rotary Club 10/6/86
006-02-005-012-006 WTVY-FM Man-on-the-Street Interviews about TSUD Oct.'86
006-02-005-012-007 Personal Notes โ Unknown Speaker
Series 4: Guestbooks, 1993-1997, 4 items
File I.D. File Title
006-02-005-009-001 Guestbook โ TSUD Centennial Celebration 12/5/86
006-02-005-012-008 Guestbook โ TSUD Dedication Bk.1 9/16/90 (1 of 2)
006-02-005-012-009 Guestbook โ TSUD Dedication Bk.2 9/16/90 (2 of 2)
006-02-005-012-010 Guestbook โ Portrait Unveiling Ceremony March 8, 1993
006-02-005-012-011 Guestbook โ Presidential Installation Ceremony 4/18/97
Series 5: Miscellaneous Oversized and Artifacts, 1973-2009, 13 items
File I.D. File Title
006-02-005-A3 / A4 Desk set from President's Office in Houston Hotel. Note Pad Holder, Pen/Pencil set, Ashtray holder with Glass ashtray. All with pewter image of hotel attached to wood sets.
006-02-005-Item-001 Fountain & Garden Plan with Details & Schematics 94-124
006-02-005-Item-002 Overall Second Floor Plan Library/Technology Building (2 copies)
006-02-005-Item-003 Overall First Floor Plan Library/Technology Building (2 copies)
006-02-005-Item-004 Floor Plan of Second Floor Lobby Area Library/Technology Building 94-124 A1.3
006-02-005-Item-005 Artist's Rendering of Proposed Library/Technology Building at TSUD 94-124
006-02-005-Item-006 Geological Survey Map โ Midland City Quadrangle (c.1981)
006-02-005-Item-007 Koala Picture with R.W. Emerson Quote (c.1973)
006-02-005-Item-008 Census Tracts โ SW Georgia (Baker, Decatur, Early, Miller, Seminole, Calhoun, Clay, Quitman, & Randolph Counties)
006-02-005-Item-009 Census Tracts โ NW Florida (Holmes, Walton, Washington, Bay, Calhoun & Jackson Counties)
006-02-005-Item-010 Census Tracts โ SE Alabama (Barbour, Henry, Coffee, Dale, Geneva & Houston Counties)
006-02-005-Item-011 TSUD Library Circulation Desk โ Detailed Drawing
006-02-005-Item-012 Proposed Site Plan for TSUD Amphitheater & Veterans Memorial 2009-CX.1
Subgroup 4: Records of Dr. Barbara Alford, 1994-2005, 12 file folders (and photographs)
Series 1: Subject / Correspondence Files, 1994-2005, 12 file folders includes photographs.
File I.D. File Label
006-07-0731-001-001 New Building Color Pictures
006-07-0731-001-002 New Campus Land Purchase
006-07-0731-001-003 Elementary School Site Proposal
006-07-0731-001-004 [Photos of New Campus - Before & After Complete]
006-07-0731-001-005 TSUD Annual Planning Statements 1994-95 through 1998-99; July 1994
006-07-0731-001-006 TSUD 1995-2000 Five-Year Planning Document; July 1995
006-07-0731-001-007 TSUD Strategic Plan 2001-2005
006-07-0731-001-008 THINK: Alabama Colleges & Universities, January 2001
006-07-0731-001-009 TSUD University Master Plan 2000-2005
006-07-0731-001-010 TSUD University Master Plan 2000-2005 [copy 2]
006-07-0731-001-011 University Master Plan Committee
006-07-0731-001-012 [Construction & Groundbreaking Photos]
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Wiregrass Archives
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502 University Dr.
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