Guide to the Martha Lee Dickson Papers
Record Group 105
Date Span ca. 1900-2010
Extent: 2.5 cubic feet
Biographical Sketch: Martha Lee Dickson, though currently living in Pace, Florida, was a long-time resident of Gordon, Houston County, Alabama. In 1999 she self-published a history entitled, Gordon, Alabama: Pioneer Riverboat Town; Southern Terminus of Alabama's Chattahoochee River Trace. In 2007 she began a second major project, photographing and gathering information on wooden churches in Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi (bounded irregularly from Tampa through Birmingham to Jackson). A portion of her research results became her book, Anchors of Faith: Early Wooden Churches of the Deep South (NewSouth Press, 2014).
Scope / Content: Documents Ms. Dickson's research interests in Gordon, Alabama, and wooden churches in Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi (bounded by an irregular arc from Tampa through Birmingham to Jackson). Contains research notes, photocopies of primary sources, audiotapes, photo negatives, digital photos, and photo prints.
Organization Organized into 2 series with multiple subseries.
Series 1: Research related to Gordon, AL history, prior to 1999, 55 file folders. For Dickson's self-published 1999 book, Gordon, Alabama: Pioneer Riverboat Town; Southern Terminus of Alabama's Chattahoochee River Trace. Organized into 2 subseries.
- Series 1.1: Research concerning Gordon families and individuals, including genealogical research (formats include photographs), prior to 1999, 28
file folders. Arranged alphabetically.
- Series 1.2: Gordon Community History research (formats include interviews and artifacts), prior to 1999, 27 file folders. Arranged alphabetically.
Series 2: Wooden Churches, 1994 – 2009 (bulk 2008-2009), 83 files. Historical research and similar information, photographs, binders of wooden churches in Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi. Became the basis of Dickson's book, Anchors of Faith: Early Wooden Churches of the Deep South. Organized into 3 subseries.
- Series 2.1: Binders, ca. 2009, 7 items. Dickson's wooden church project of one-page per church, organized by state, then
county, then church. Photographic print and handwritten historical paragraph per
church / leaf.
- Series 2.2: Research materials, 1993 – 2009, 23 file folders. Textual materials (with a few photographs) of churches, denominational associations,
and records of research trips including maps.
- Series 2.3: Loose Photographs, 2007 – 2009, 53 file folders. Contains negatives, prints, and digital photos on CD-Roms of wooden churches and other local structures. Arranged by state then vaguely chronologically.
Provenance Dickson donated her Gordon materials to Dothan Landmarks Foundation, Inc., which sent them to the Wiregrass Archives in 2004. Ms. Dickson delivered her Wooden Churches material in person to the Wiregrass Archives on April 15, 2010
Preferred Citation Martha Dickson Papers, RG 105, Wiregrass Archives, ¶¶Òõ Dothan Campus, Dothan, AL.
Access/User Limits? Open per gift agreement
Publications concerning this collection:
Dickson, Martha Lee. Anchors of Faith: Early Wooden Churches of the Deep South. Montgomery: NewSouth Books, 2014.
Dickson, Martha Lee. Gordon, Alabama: Pioneer Riverboat Town ; Southern Terminus of Alabama's Chattahoochee River Trace. [Dothan, AL]: M.L. Dickson, 1999.
Olliff, Martin T. "It Came from the Archives: History Through Faith." ¶¶ÒõToday (blog). May 24, 2018. .
Series 1: Research related to Gordon, AL history, prior to 1999, 55 file folders. Organized into 2 subseries: 1.1 – Families and individuals ; 1.2 – Community history. For Dickson's self-published 1999 book, Gordon, Alabama: Pioneer Riverboat Town; Southern Terminus of Alabama's Chattahoochee River Trace.
Series 1.1: Research concerning Gordon families and individuals, including genealogical research (formats include photographs), prior to 1999, 28 file folders. Arranged alphabetically.
File ID File Title
105-16-0712-001-018 Dickson, Martha Lee
105-16-0831-001-008 Genealogy Search Info
105-16-0712-001-009 Gordon, AL - Family Surnames Recalled in Personal Letters
105-16-0831-001-005 Johnson, Hardy
105-04-0516-001-001 Kingry, C.B.
105-16-0831-001-001 Lee, John Franklin - Gordon, AL
105-04-0516-001-002 Leslie, Miss Dora
105-04-0516-001-021 Liddon, Francis Bartow
105-04-0516-001-003 McLendon Family
105-16-0831-001-002 Meadows Family - Harper, Dupree, Barber
105-16-0712-001-015 Mueller, Edward A.
105-04-0516-001-005 Presley, Renee (Adams) [incl. photos]
105-04-0516-001-006 [Pynes], Daniel
105-16-0712-001-016 Rountree Brothers Information - Gordon, AL & Crosby, AL
105-04-0516-001-007 Rountree Family [incl. photos]
105-16-0831-001-015 Rountree Family - Earliest Records - Gordon, AL
105-16-0831-001-014 Rountree Family Bibles w/ Marriage Record of Dr. Rountree
105-16-0712-001-010 Rountree, Elma - Postcard notes in Elma Rountree Collection held at Landmark Park
105-16-0831-001-013 Rountree, Harry - Crosby, AL Area (unincorporated)
105-16-0831-001-011 Rountree, Jeff Davis
105-16-0831-001-003 Rountree, John Griffin
105-16-0831-001-012 Rountree, John Richardson
105-10-0801-MD6-001 Rountree, W. G., Jr. - Family Portrait - 11"x16" Sepia
105-16-0712-001-014 Rountree, William Gaston, Jr. - Gordon, AL
105-16-0831-001-010 Stapleton Family Line - Crosby, Zoe Area (Gordon Route)
105-16-0712-001-017 Tomlinson, Betty - Gordon, AL
105-04-0516-001-009 Tuttle, Edward -- house/home [incl. photos]
105-04-0516-001-010 Wood, William [incl. photos]
Series 1.2: Gordon Community History research (formats include interviews and artifacts), prior to 1999, 27 file folders. Arranged alphabetically.
File ID File Title
105-16-0712-001-002 Alaga, AL
105-16-0712-001-007 Cemetery - Gordon - Historic Marker Dedication
105-16-0831-001-004 Cemetery - Gordon - Oldest Grave Markers
105-16-0712-001-008 Cemetery - Gordon Civil War Soldiers
105-04-0516-001-011 Cemetery - Gordon, AL
105-16-0831-001-006 "Chattahoochee Bottom": A Memoir by Martha Lee Dickson
105-04-0516-001-012 Churches
105-04-0516-001-018 Community -- Misc.
105-04-0516-001-013 Correspondence
105-16-0712-001-003 Crosby, AL - Houston County
105-16-0712-001-004 Gordon Artifacts - Landmark Park, Dothan, AL
105-16-0712-001-006 Gordon Baptist Church - Historical Marker Dedication (5/16/2004)
105-16-0712-001-013 Gordon Search Records - Names, leads, phone #s, etc.
105-16-0712-001-005 Gordon, AL
105-16-0712-001-011 Gordon, AL - History - Charles Bowdon Kingry, Mrs. Myra Appling
105-16-0831-001-007 Gordon, Alabama - History of
105-16-0831-001-009 Gordon, Alabama - Pictures in Newspapers, Articles, Calendar, etc.
105-16-0712-001-012 Lee, William F. (Hannah) - Personal Reminiscences of Early Gordon Days
105-04-0516-001-014 Maps
105-04-0516-001-004 Mickels, Frank - Gordon's 1st Black Mayor [incl. photos & audio tape]
105-04-0516-001-015 Newspaper Articles
105-04-0516-001-016 Photographs & Copies of Photographs -- Misc.
105-04-0516-001-017 Railroad
105-04-0516-001-019 Schools
105-04-0516-001-008 Smith, Walter Lee – Interview audio tape.
105-16-0712-001-001 Smith, Walter Lee - Gordon, AL, Retired Cook - Atlantic Coastline RR. Interview Transcript.
105-04-0516-001-020 Steamboats
Series 2: Wooden Churches, 1994 – 2009 (bulk 2008-2009), 83 files. Historical research and similar information, photographs, binders of wooden churches in Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi. Became the basis of Dickson's book, Anchors of Faith: Early Wooden Churches of the Deep South. Organized into 3 subseries: 2.1 – Binders ; 2.2 – Research materials ; 2.3 – Loose photographs (digital, prints, negatives.)
Series 2.1: Binders, ca. 2009, 7 items. Dickson's wooden church project of one-page per church, organized by state, then county, then church. Photographic print and handwritten historical paragraph per church / leaf.
File I.D. File Label
105-10-0125-001-001 Early Wooden Churches of the Deep South Alabama - 1 [Contents, A-C]
105-10-0125-001-002 Early Wooden Churches of the Deep South Alabama - 2 [C-J]
105-10-0125-001-003 Early Wooden Churches of the Deep South Alabama - 3 [L-R]
105-10-0125-001-004 Early Wooden Churches of the Deep South Alabama - 4 [R-W]
105-10-0125-001-005 Early Wooden Churches of the Deep South Mississippi
105-10-0125-001-006 Early Wooden Churches of the Deep South Florida - 1 [Contents, A-L]
105-10-0125-001-007 Early Wooden Churches of the Deep South Florida - 2 [L-W]
Series 2.2: Research materials, 1993 – 2009, 23 file folders. Textual materials (with a few photographs) of churches, denominational associations, and records of research trips including maps.
File I.D. File Label
105-10-0125-001-008 Architecture References
105-10-0125-001-009 [Research on Churches - location & history]
105-10-0125-001-010 [Georgia, Florida, & Mississippi Maps (2005-06) - 2008-09 trip: Wooden Churches Search]
105-10-0125-001-011 [Pine Flat Methodist Church - 4x6 photo, hand fan, & note card]
105-10-0125-001-012 Southern Living, Aug, 2009 - "The Story of the Lost Schoolhouses" & correspond. w/ Larry Smith
105-10-0415-001-001 Calendar - Two Hundred Years of Methodism in Alabama Territory [2008]
105-10-0415-001-002 History of the Churches of the Pine Barren Baptist Association, 1825 - 2001 (Frisco City, AL : Pine Barren Baptist Association, 2001).
105-10-0415-001-003 Leroy R. Priest. D. D., History of the Sampey Memorial Baptist Church (Formerly Ramer Baptist Church), Ramer, Alabama 1857-1992 (Ramer, AL: The Church, 1993).
105-10-0415-001-004 The Clear Spring UMC Cookbook #2, ca. 1994
105-10-0415-001-005 Valley Head UMC [AL]
105-10-0415-001-006 Early Wooden Churches - Alabama Searches, 2007 - 2009 1/2
105-10-0415-001-007 Early Wooden Churches - Alabama Searches, 2007 - 2009 2/2
105-10-0415-001-008 Early Wooden Churches - Alabama, 2008 - 2009, Additional Info
105-10-0415-001-009 Early Wooden Churches - Alabama - West Side Search
105-10-0415-002-001 Early Wooden Churches - Alabama - No [Church] Info Available
105-10-0415-002-002 Early Wooden Churches -Florida Churches, 2008-2009 1/2
105-10-0415-002-003 Early Wooden Churches -Florida Churches, 2008-2009 2/2
105-10-0415-002-004 Early Wooden Churches - Mississippi, 2008-2009
105-10-0415-002-005 Misc - Other Churches - Texas
105-10-0415-002-006 Misc - Other Churches - North Carolina
105-10-0415-002-007 Misc - Other Churches - Georgia
105-10-0415-002-008 Misc - Other Churches - Georgia Assn.
105-16-0712-001-019 Wooden Churches - Maps Showing Travels
Series 2.3: Loose Photographs, 2007 – 2009, 53 file folders. Contains negatives, prints, and digital photos on CD-Roms of wooden churches and other local structures. Arranged by state then vaguely chronologically.
File I.D. File Label
105-10-0415-003-001 Alabama Churches - October 2007 - Atmore and Evergreen, AL - 10 color photos, 4"x 6", negatives included
105-10-0415-003-002 Alabama Churches - November 2007 - 20 color photos, 4"x 6", negatives included
105-10-0415-003-003 Alabama Churches - South - February 2008 - 12 color photos, 4"x 6", negatives included, CD unlabeled
105-10-0415-003-004 Alabama Churches - South - March 2008 - 35 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-003-006 Alabama Churches - April 2008 - Clark & Marengo Counties / One from Baldwin Co. - 18 color photos, 4"x 6", negatives included
105-10-0415-003-007 Alabama Churches - May 2008 - Sumter, Clark, Wilcox, Greene, Dallas, Marengo, and Monroe Counties - 30 color photos, 4"x 6", {CD included}
105-10-0415-003-008 Alabama Churches - West Side - May 2008 - Sumter, Clark, Wilcox, Greene, Dallas, Marengo, and Monroe Counties - 38 color photos, 4"x 6", {CD included}
105-10-0415-003-009 Alabama Churches - May 17, 2008 - 8 color photos, 4"x 6", {CD included}
105-10-0415-003-010 Alabama Churches - June 2008 - Atmore, AL and Fruitdale, Al - 6 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-003-011 Alabama Churches - Dec. 17, 2008 - 6 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-001 Alabama Churches - Sept 20-22, 2009 - East Side - 60 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-002 Alabama Churches - October 24, 2008 - Coosa & Elmore Counties - 12 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-003 Alabama Churches - January 19-21, 2009 - Part #1 Counties: Butler, Wilcox, Dallas, Elmore, Montgomery, Coosa, Lowndes, Chilton - 26 color photos 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-004 Alabama Churches - January 19-21, 2009 - Part #2 Counties: Butler, Wilcox, Dallas, Elmore, Montgomery, Coosa, Lowndes, Chilton - 39 color photos 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-005 Alabama Churches - February 16-17, 2009 - 64 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-006 Alabama Churches - CD - February 16-17, 2009 - CD #1 - 3 contact sheets - CD #2 - 2 contact sheets
105-10-0415-004-007 Alabama Churches - April 29 - May 1, 2009 - Part #2 - 40 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-008 Alabama Churches - April 29 - May 1, 2009 - Part #1 - 39 color photos, 4"x 6" & 1 color photocopy 4"x 5" - Apostolic United Pentecostal Church West Blockton, AL
105-10-0415-004-009 Alabama Churches - June 9, 2009 - Wetumpka, Alexander City, Millerville, Fruithurst - 7 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-010 Alabama Churches - July 7-9, 2009 - 35 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-011 Alabama Churches - Oct 13-14, 2009 - 22 color photos 4"x 6" & 1 color photo, 4"x 5 1/4"
105-10-0415-004-012 Alabama Churches - CD - Wooden churches of Alabama
105-10-0415-004-013 Alabama Churches - CD - Disc created by 3-27-2010 by Martha Dickson - includes Florida Churches by accident
105-10-0415-004-014 Alabama - Florida Churches - Nov 2007 - Dec 2008 - 35 color photos, 4"x 6", negatives included
105-10-0415-004-015 Alabama - Florida Churches - Feb 2008 - 27 color photos, 4"x 6", negatives included
105-10-0415-004-016 Alabama - Florida Churches - March 2008 - Clarke Co., Al; Baldwin Co., AL; Pace, FL - 23 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-003-005 Alabama - Florida Churches - Mar/Apr 2008 - 15 color photos, 4"x 6", negatives included
105-10-0415-004-017 Alabama - Florida Churches - CD - Mar/Apr 2008
105-10-0415-004-018 Alabama - Florida Churches - April 2008 - 11 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-019 Alabama - Florida Churches - CD - Feb/Mar 2008
105-10-0415-004-020 Alabama - Georgia Churches - Nov 2007 - 29 color photos, 4"x 6", negatives included
105-10-0415-004-021 Alabama - Georgia - North Carolina - June 2008 - photos taken by Max [Dickson?] - 27 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-022 Alabama Georgia Churches - June 2008 - photos taken by Max [Dickson] - 10 color photos, 4"x 7" - 29 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-023 Alabama - Georgia - North Carolina Churches - June 2008 - photos taken by Max [Dickson?] - 9 color photos, 4"x 7" - 12 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-024 Florida Churches - Nov. 2007 - 17 color photos, 4"x 6", negatives included
105-10-0415-004-025 Florida Churches - January2008 - 17 color photos, 4"x 6", negative included
105-10-0415-004-026 Florida Churches - January 2008 - HWY 90 East Cities - 15 color photos, 4"x 6", negatives included
105-10-0415-004-027 Florida Churches - April 2008 - Pt. Washington, Wewahitchka, Apalachicola, Key West, etc. - 39 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-028 Florida Churches - CD - April 2008 - Pt. Washington, Wewahitchka, Apalachicola, Key West, etc. - 1 CD
105-10-0415-004-029 Florida Churches - Sept 23-25, 2008 - 41 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-030 Florida Churches - Nov 16-18, 2008 - 49 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-031 Florida Churches - February 2009 - 1 church - St. George Episcopal Church Fort George Island, FL 32226 - 21 color photos, 4"x 6", negative included
105-10-0415-004-032 Florida Churches - March 5, 2010 - Escambia County - 1 color photo, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-033 Florida Churches - CD - disc created 3-27-2010 by Martha Dickson
105-10-0415-004-034 Florida - Unique Churches - Stucco or Masonry - 2008 - 5 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-11-0604-001-001 Florida - Glen Julia UMC & Old MT Pleasant UMC [Mt Pleasant, FL] - includes photographs
105-11-0604-001-002 Florida - Grand Ridge [FL] UMC - Grand Ridge Town History - Photos
105-11-0604-001-003 Florida - Photographs, 2008-2009 - Old Buildings - Florida
105-10-0415-004-035 Mississippi Churches - 3-21-2009 - [Communities of] Ocean Springs, Gulfport, Pass Christian, Bay St. Louis, Kiln, & Poplarville - 37 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-036 Mississippi Churches - May 27, 2009 - Greene County & Perry County - 8 color photos 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-037 Mississippi Churches - October 25, 2009 - 37 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-038 Mississippi Churches - Nov 4-5, 2009 - [includes 4 Alabama Churches from beginning of trip (2 repeats)] - 45 color photos, 4"x 6"
105-10-0415-004-039 Mississippi Churches - CD - disc created 3-27-2010 by Martha Dickson
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