H F Scarborough
Camp Ageechee
Feb 17 1863
Dear wife & children
I take the opertunity this evening of droping you a few lines which will inform you
that I am very well my health never has been better than at this time. camp life
agrees with me so far & I hope by the blesing of god it will continue to do so_ I
hope this may reach you all well I have been expecting to reecive a letter from you
fer two or three days but have not there is some stiring never here the indications
of the storm that is soon to burst upon us increase ever day_ there has already been
an order issued from Gen Mercer calling upon all citizens to arm themselves in defence
of their homes & firesides_ also one from ordering the troops of this command to hold themselves in readiness for action at
a moments warning and yesterdays papers contained an order from Gen Beauregard fer
all noncombatants to leave the cities of Charles ton & Savannah_ preparalery to meet the expected attack on the two places which is
said will take place on the 22sd_ the quatermasters & commissaries stores has already
been removed_ the forces here is much stronger here than when I last wrote you and
other reinforcements are expected_ The force will in a few days probaly need 10000
men_ I send you my [ambrotype] which keep as a memento of my affection for you and
my dear children until I see you again_ it was taken in the position of a soldier
(sitting excepted) with a Bible in the left hand which I hope will direct you to Christ
who is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him_ I will write you again in three
or four days if I do not receive a letter from you sooner So nothing more at present
but remaing your afectionate husband until death
H F Scarborough
[Transcribed by Stacy Bryant, June 2005]
[Edited by Tina Bernath, June 2006]
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