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General Studies

As a University Honors Scholar, a student must take 7 Honors versions of General Studies courses over four different disciplines.

Department Honors Versions of General Studies


ART 1134 (1) Honors Visual Arts
BIO 1103 (3) Honors Principle of Biology
ENG 1103 (3) Honors English Composition I
ENG 1104 (3) Honors English Composition II
ENG 2207 (3) Honors World Literature I
ENG 2208 (3) Honors World Literature II
HIS 1103 (3) Honors History of Western Civilization I
HIS 1104 (3) Honors History of Western Civilization II
HIS 1113 (3) Honors U.S. History to 1877
HIS 1114 (3) Honors U.S. History since 1877
MUS 1132 (3) Honors Music
SPH 2243 (3) Honors Fundamentals of Speech or Fundamentals of Speech
Individual Honors Placement in Mathematics
PSY 2201 (3) Honors General Psychology
POL 2240 (3) Honors American National Government

University Honors candidates will be notified of acceptance into the University Honors Program in the spring semester after completion of Honors 1101, enrollment in an honors version of general studies course in the fall and spring semesters, and an overall grade point average of 3.25 after the fall semester of the freshman year.



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